Wednesday 2 September 2009

Dog Science

Today in my unemployed life I decided to perform an experiment with my dog (don't worry, no dogs were harmed in the writing of this blog post).

I wanted to see if Wilke would walk faster depending on the time of the day I took her out. For those of you who know Wilk, she loves to sniff and sneak around our neighborhood like she is investigating a crime (really she is just looking for used gum and other old food to eat off the sidewalks).

So, I walked her around noon and she started out walking really quickly, but sure enough, half way around the block I had to start dragging her.

I walked her again at 4:30, which is when I usually take her out in the afternoon. I thought maybe she would walk faster on a different route, so I took her around the elementary school near our house. No faster at all, not even at the beginning. She also ate two pieces of gum before I was able to stop her.

Conclusion: Wilke is an old dog that may never walk fast, but while I am unemployed I am determined to pick up her speed and reduce the amount of gum she eats.

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