Thursday 14 February 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

After giving my roommates a pep talk on how Valentine's Day is for all types of love, I headed off to work in a very "loving" mood (and wearing a red top). I also read a valentine from my Grandma three times over. When I got to the office, however, my coworkers sucked the love right out of me. Apparently, Valentine's Day is not celebrated the same way as in the US, and it was kinda depressing...

My faith was reaffirmed when I got off the tube at the end of the day and saw countless men racing around with bouquets of flowers, and a group standing in front of a streetside flower stand.

And to all my family and friends who are concerned that I may fall in love here and never come home, rest assured, for even on Valentine's Day, when love is in the air, it is nowhere near yours truly :)


K said...

Well. It would please you to know that I played flower police at Theta- directing traffic, arresting people, confiscating contraband, etc. Have you found any of the Weasley's in the UK yet? lylas.

Unknown said...

Sad to hear that there's no one on the horizon. Thought by now one of Diana's boys would have noticed you.
We missed you on Valentine's Day!