Monday 2 August 2010

Seasonal Sneak Peak

The days are definitely getting shorter.

I opened the back door at 4:45 a.m. and swatted away bugs zipping around the light above the door. It was darker, which made the light brighter and more attractive. The air was still heavy with humidity, so I know summer hasn't left yet, but it's packed it bags.

I got in my mom's car and fumbled for the ignition and then the lights. Hers aren't automatic like mine. Surely one day I'll return to the parking lot to find the battery dead. As I drove the familiar route, that's when I noticed- brighter green lights. And no rabbits congregating on the corner and feasting on my neighbors plants.

I love the seasonal sneak peak that comes every few months. The air was downright cool the other morning on my run, and it felt amazing. Wind blew past my face and I breathed without the weight of the air on my lungs. As a born and raised Midwesterner, I will always love, and need, a seasonal change. A reminder that time is, in fact, passing. Life is continuing on despite how stationary I feel.

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