Sunday, 28 February 2010

Demi-Veg Celebrations!

I am currently a demi-vegetarian. What is that you say? Well, most people would consider it a half or imperfect vegetarian, however, I am a firm believer in a diet that is "perfect" for the person consuming it.

I have been working with my diet since high school. Last year, I stopped eating red meat because it just seemed too hard for my body to digest, and I have never really liked the taste of chicken (that being said, I will eat something with cooked with chicken broth). After watching Food Inc. last month, I decided to give up all meat, but still eat eggs and fish. For me, it can be a struggle to get enough protein in my diet- thus demi-vegetarianism it is.

This can be hard to explain (and hard for people to rationalize), which is why in many instances I simply refer to myself as vegetarian. This makes things easy. For this same reason, I often look to vegan options in the grocery store and at restaurants. Since I can't eat dairy, it just makes things easier by eliminating the possibility of eating something that will make me sick.

Fortunately for me, my family is EXTREMELY supportive of my dietary restrictions after all these years. As because we were raised as good eaters who will try anything once, everyone eats my vegetarian and vegan creations (sometimes without knowing- I love watching family members devour something without the slightest idea that it is vegan). Here are some of our recent demi-veg celebrations:

Valentine's Day: roasted lobster tails with ginger dipping sauce and snow peas and cherry tomatoes.

Birthday breakfast: everything bagels with lox and vegan cream cheese, fruit and mimosas

Birthday dinner at Green Zebra: check out Lisa's* review here.
*Lisa is NOT a vegetarian.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

I Cannot Put Down

I am currently reading Kelly Cutrone's book, "If you have to cry, go outside" and seriously cannot put it down. She's a little nuts, but she makes a lot of really good points about the evolution of feminism (or possible devolution), the fashion industry and success. This book couldn't have come into my life at a better time, but regardless of what stage of life you are in, you will definitely find something relevant. And if you don't, at least she's funny.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Spring Sightings

This is the time of year when it is important to remind yourself: spring will return. I take advantage of all the little things that restore hope and happiness after months of being frozen.

I ate a lifetime worth of these little guys in London, but I still can't get enough. I can usually rely on Grandma Barb to feed my need.This stuff kinda smells like my favorite sunscreen/ the tanning lotion I used in high school. Regardless, it smells like summer and I love it.

I am obsessed with this buttery leather jacket at my store. We sold out in a matter of days, but I couldn't afford it anyway.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Yes, those are what you think they are...

In the spirit of my recent obsession with vegan cupcakes (thanks to my sissy Megan and her gift of the Babycakes NYC cookbook), I bring you the cupcake-adorned cover of the most recent issue of BodyTalk. Designed by the wonderful and talented Sarah Handelman, the issue covers all things woman- and in the smartest, most accurate way imaginable (which, yes, includes psychedelic vagina cupcakes).

Friday, 5 February 2010

I went to high school here.

I don't remember how I came across this, but I'm sure glad I did.

I beamed with pride watching my mentors (the directors of the Eurythmic Dance Company) lead the entire staff of Lyons Township High School in a flash mob. Boy, do I miss high school.