Sunday, 18 October 2009


My sister sent me this video from YouTube the other day and I haven't been able to stop watching these kids since (no, not the balloon boy- that family doesn't need any more publicity than they have already managed to get).

And apparently I am not the only fan of PS22 (check out their blog). My girls Beyoncé and Gaga fell in love with the group after they were invited to Billboard magazine's Women in Music Celebration Brunch. Ashton Kutcher tweets about them. And Perez has put them up on his site too.

These Staten Islanders are so lovably ordinary, except for their musical abilities. They look like every other grade school choir, until just one of them opens his or her mouth and starts to sing. And their excitement is undeniably contagious. Watching them sing and dance to "Just Dance" made me want to be there rockin' out with them.

They have gained popularity solely through the Internet and the efforts of their teacher (and veritable saint) Gregg Breinberg. He started posted videos of his kids on YouTube in 2006; now they have their own channel. Read more in the NY Times article.

Finally, here are the kiddos doing my favorite song of all time:

Monday, 12 October 2009

"Obama, I know you are listening"

I love Lady Gaga.

Every since my sisters discovered my resemblance to the performer, I have been following her with more than admiration. She has made a name for herself with her music, her fashion, and now, as a gay rights activist. Below is her amazing performance at the Human Rights Campaign event before the National Equality March in D.C.

And here she is speaking in our Nation's capitol for the Equality March:

Way to go, Gaga. Way to go.

(The photo that started it all. I see our resemblance, don't you?)

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I can't believe we are 12 days into October and I haven't even plugged Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

My family and I are more of year-round breast cancer awareness supporters (below is a picture from the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 2006), but I will have a pink ribbon on my Twitter avatar this month and am eating my Yoplait and "saving lids to save lives."

I cannot stress the importance of early detection enough. Getting regular screening tests is the best way for women to lower their risk of dying from the disease because they can find the cancer early- when it is most treatable. If you want more information, check out the Susan G. Komen web site. It is a wealth of information.

While there is still no cure, we need more research! So let's fund breast cancer research. Lisa's blog featured a post on Pretty in Pink, which features spa deals for $31 for the 31 days of October (all to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer).

Hanes is also Passionately Pink for the Cure. I heard Sarah Chalke on the Eric and Kathy show talking about a pink party that she and her sister had I immediately called Lisa to tell her we should do one. If you are looking for ideas for your own pink party, Komen will help you out!

Finally, Marie Clare has an entire slide show of products that benefit breast cancer research- everything from ChapStick to coffee makers. Check it out!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

So long, Gourmet

This week, Condé Nast closed four magazines. Goodbye, Gourmet, Cookie, Elegant Bride and Modern Bride.

What a time to be looking for a job in magazines!

Personally, I don't think there need to be as many bridal magazines on the market as there currently are, but Gourmet? Really?

The Boston Globe ran a very creative editorial "Gourmet Magazine, 1941-2009: A recipe of obsolescence" that summarizes this great loss. Gourmet was a truly beautiful magazine, and I am sad to have lost it for that reason (because we all know my culinary skills aren't up to that level, nor could I digest half of the dishes in its pages), but what makes me even more sad is that it proves the recession is winning- in more ways than one.

The magazine closed because ad revenue had dropped too low (1 point for the recession), and the closing means jobs lost for Condé employees and less jobs for eager grads like myself (point 2). I am also afraid that it ultimately means Americans are giving up the "gourmet" way of life. First, the elimination of rich foods and gorgeous cocktails and second, the magazines that feature them (point 3).

But I refuse to let the recession beat the magazine industry or myself. I will continue to subscribe and pick up news stand copies in the hope that industry will prevail and one day have a job to offer me. It's karma- what goes around comes around. And even the recession can't deny karma.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Second City Savvy

It is finally here. Your one-stop shop for satisfying your need for style at the right price is Second City Savvy.

My sister Lisa, the original recessionista, has put together a site that aggregates sales on clothes and beauty products, as well as Chicago-specific deals.

But it's not just links. She writes about living a life for less, which believe me, she has been doing for quite some time now. She's smart and funny, like the Khloe Kardashian of the Noe girls (except NEVER compared to a tranny or amazon woman).

(In case you were wondering, that makes Megan Kim because she's the most serious and driven and I'm Kourtney, except for that whole being pregnant thing.)

So, check it out. Because who couldn't use an excuse to buy something new for their fall wardrobe?